What is Genealogy?

Sometime in your life you are likely to face a problem, “Who am I?”If you are really serious to find an answer, such a simple question may lead you to a lifelong pursuit. An urge to find answer to such a question will finally lead you to your roots. Genealogy has been practiced by almost all communities around the world. Before written word evolved,genealogy consisted of oral accounts. Even today, our grandfathers or grandmothers tell stories on our ancestors. Of velour, of courage or of intellectual achievements. Every family has at least one hero. Let us find him. Let us become a genealogist.

Interestingly, a British genealogy documentary series which became a big hit two decades back was entitled “Who do you think you are?” Aired by the BBC, it kindled great interest in genealogy among the public where celebrity participants traced their family history.A similar series which was an adaptation of British series, evolved huge public interest in genealogy in the United State. Similar series drew large audiences in other European Countries too.

Another landmark event that gave big boost to interest in genealogy in the western world was the publication of a book in the United States,entitled,”Roots—The saga of an American family”,about fifty years back.Written by a black lawyer and author,Alex Haley,it was a blockbuster with the top National Bestseller ranking and had several editions and television series based on it drew large audiences..Roots, was a story in novel format,of seven genarations of Haley,beginning with how his forefather was captured by slave traders from his ancestral African village,brought to the United States and sold to a plantation owner in the slave market.America being a land of migrants,its people were deeply touched by the book and started searching their own roots.

Friends, you may be wondering what all this Genealogy is about. By the dictionary definition, genealogy is the study of families, their origin and tracing their lineage and history. Genealogists compile list of ancestors over several generationas which they arrange in pedigree charts or other written formats. In fact, genealogy is a family history, a branch of history. History keeps record of historical events of countries,societies and rulers.But who will keep records of your family? Genealogist is a person who performs this duty. You may be aware that in old days, there used to be employees who kept record of generations of ruling class and royal families. Common man had no such luxury. Unless someone from your own family does not take interest in keeping such records, the heritage of your family will be lost for ever. So what exactly genealogists do? A genealogist is a person who studies family history professionally.

Genealogist gathers information about a family from historical records and documents, witness accounts and through recently developed tool of genetic or DNA tests. Genealogist also shares his findings through written work or lectures with those interested.

Ancestors Bharat
Ancestors Bharat
Articles: 4

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